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Want to help translate? Head on over to the claimchunk-site repo to see instructions, or contact me via our Discord or my email at [email protected].

Hi there! This is the main user-facing website (apart from GitHub) where you can find links to download the plugin or read this wiki and learn how to use it.

← Check out the sidebar for a list of what's documented here on the site for players and server admins.

Players! Check Here!

Click here to view the commands you'll want to know as a player.


There are two channels from which to download ClaimChunk. The release channel is the current stable version of ClaimChunk. This version should be safe to use for larger servers. The snapshot channel, however, provides a new build for the changes to the ClaimChunk repository since the latest release. This means they may have less testing, but it may be useful if bugs exist in the latest release or you want some features that have yet to be pushed to a release.

Release Downloads

The following downloads are considered stable downloads, or releases.

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Snapshot Downloads

These downloads might be less stable than the release downloads, but have more recent features and bug fixes.

To make these downloads available, we use a handy-dandy link service called nightly.link to make getting GitHub artifact download links possible.

After 30 days, GitHub deletes these artifacts; if you want to compile an older, non-release version that isn't listed here, please clone the repository at the preferred commit and build from source.

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Installation Guide

ClaimChunk is compatible with most Spigot/Bukkit API server installations, including Paper.

Installing ClaimChunk is easy! First, obtain your desired version from the Downloads page (if you use a snapshot version, you will have to extract the zip file to get the plugin jar).

Then, make sure to stop your server! Many server owners use the /reload Bukkit command which does not work for most plugins. It may suffice to test, but please, please always make sure to fully reboot your server when dealing with any plugins at all. Keeping state is difficult and plugins (ClaimChunk included) can fail for seemingly random reasons (I don't even know why, it's just bad).

Servers with no plugins may find using /reload convenient, and generally it's safe on effectively vanilla Spigot/Bukkit servers. Using /reload after plugins have been enabled may cause issues, though. Just be careful :)

Next, drop your ClaimChunk jar into the plugins directory within your server folder.

Finally, start up your server to generate all of ClaimChunk's configuration files and to make sure you see output in the console (and no errors are present). You should see some output in your console like this:

[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClaimChunk] Enabling ClaimChunk <VERSION>
[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClaimChunk] Economy not enabled.
[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClaimChunk] PlaceholderAPI not found, not loading API.
[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClaimChunk] Initialization complete.
[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[<TIME>] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (<START TIME>)! For help, type "help"

If you see the [ClaimChunk] Initialization complete. message, ClaimChunk should be enabled and functioning. If you wish to use some of the other functionality, more plugins may be required. Please continue reading this page to see these requirements.

Economy Setup

If you plan to use some economy plugin along side Vault—such as Essentials—make sure to run your server at least once to ensure ClaimChunk enables and generates its config. Make sure you have Vault if you wish to use any economy! And you must also have an economy plugin to sit on top of Vault. Vault is an API acts as a sort of middleman between ClaimChunk and whatever your economy plugin is, so it is required for compatibility. Unfortunately, only Vault economies will work with ClaimChunk as these are the most widely accepted kind for the time being.

Next, open up the config.yml file inside the plugins/ClaimChunk directory and make sure the useEconomy option is set to true under the economy section, ensuring it looks like this:

# -- more config up here --

  useEconomy: true
  claimPrice: 100.0
  unclaimReward: 10.0
  firstFreeChunks: 0

# -- more config down here --

This option may be enabled by default, but make sure to double check it, especially if you have installed your economy plugins but the economy feature still fails to work.

For those who are new to running servers, this config format (YAML) uses # to start a comment line, which is ignored entirely following the # until the next line.


ClaimChunk supports the usage of placeholders within its messages (which can be configured in the messages.json file in the plugins/ClaimChunk directory) as well as provides a couple placeholders for your use.

Make sure to have PlaceholderAPI installed for your server and ClaimChunk will automatically hook itself in. Please see the Placeholders page for more information on how to use them.

For Players

If at any point you need in-game advice, the /chunk help command lists other commands you have access to on your server, though they are not the easiest to read in that form.

If you want to avoid using commands, most common operations can be performed in the GUI, accessible via the /chunk gui command.

Claiming and Unclaiming

Unsurprisingly, /chunk claim and /chunk unclaim work how they sound. If your server has economy support enabled, you'll need to have enough money to claim. When unclaiming a chunk, your server may also have refunding enabled, which will return some amount of money.

To unclaim all chunks in the world you're standing in, use /chunk unclaim all. To unclaim all of your chunks in all worlds, use /chunk unclaim all true.

If your server has auto-claiming enabled, you can use /chunk auto to start automatically claiming chunks you walk into, provided that they aren't already claimed and you have enough money to make the purchase.

Chunk Info

You can use /chunk list to view a list of the chunks you own, and /chunk info to see information about the chunk you're currently standing in.

You can use /chunk name to set/reset your chunk's display name in other player's on-screen popups. If you type /chunk name <new name>, the name will be updated; if you don't provide a name, the display name will be reset and your in-game player name will be shown.

To show an outline around the chunk you're standing in, use /chunk show, and to outline nearby claimed chunks, use /chunk show claimed

If you would like to see a list of nearby chunks that are owned by other players, you can use /chunk scan <distance in chunks>

Permissions and Other Players

Similar to plugins like Factions, you can control what other players are allowed to do in your chunks. To set which permissions that players will have in your chunks, you can use /chunk default access <flags>. If you want to set how players can interact with a specific chunk, you can use /chunk default access here <flags> to change access flags for the chunk you're currently standing in. If you want to control how a specific player can access a specific chunk, use /chunk access <player name> <flags> while standing in that chunk.

You can give a specific claimed chunk to another player by using /chunk give <player name> to transfer ownership of the chunk you're standing in.

Permissions & Setup


Configuration for ClaimChunk is spit up into a couple separate places.

For global ClaimChunk configurations, the config.yml page explains what can be configured.

If you need some users to have a different maximum claim limit than others, check out the rank config page to see how to implement this.

Main Config File

The standard 0.0.23 configuration file looks like this:

  # When set to true, permissions will be granted such that OPs are admins and
  # non-OPs have claimchunk.player
  disablePermissions: false
  # Whether to check for an update available in the GitHub releases. Set to
  # false to disable
  checkForUpdates: true

  # When enabled, extra debug information is printed in the console and
  # labelled as DEBUG.
  debugSpam: false
  # When enabled, allow ClaimChunk to send information to bStats.org for
  # statistics collection. You aren't tracked, but you're free to disable this
  # if you please.
  anonymousMetrics: true

  # When enabled, ClaimChunk will send a majority of notifications to users via
  # the action bar or subtitle bar.
  useTitlesInsteadOfChat: true
  # Whether to send messages to the action bar instead of the subtitle bar.
  # Note: This may become per-player (and make this option obsolete) in the
  #       future.
  useActionBar: true
  # Number of ticks to fade in the title (20 ticks = 1 second)
  titleFadeInTime: 20
  # Number of ticks for title to stay on screen (20 ticks = 1 second)
  titleStayTime: 140
  # Number of ticks to fade out the title (20 ticks = 1 second)
  titleFadeOutTime: 20

  # Option for setting the info color of chat messages.
  # Note: This will be obsolete in the future with the message overhaul.
  infoColor: GOLD
    # Option for setting the error color of chat messages.
    # Note: This will be obsolete in the future with the message overhaul.
  errorColor: RED

  # The default maximum number of chunks a player may claim for themselves.
  # When set to -1, players may claim as many chunks as would like.
  # This option is override by the rank permission maximums granted.
  maxChunksClaimed: 50
  # Whether to display particles when a player claims a chunk.
  # This may also become obsolete if players have more configuration options.
  particlesWhenClaiming: true
  # Whether to allow players who are not visible to the owning player to bypass
  # the `/chunk alert` settings players may have enabled.
  hideAlertsForVanishedPlayers: true
  # How long (in seconds) a player must be offline before their chunk is marked
  # as unclaimed again. If this is -1, chunks won't be unclaimed automatically.
  automaticUnclaimSeconds: -1
  # How frequently ClaimChunk should check for claimed chunks with players who
  # have been offline for the `automaticUnclaimSeconds` amount of time.
  unclaimCheckIntervalTicks: 1200
  # Whether to show when players enter/exit claimed or unclaimed chunks.
  displayNameOfOwner: true

  # TODO:
  defaultSendAlertsToOwner: true
  maxPerListPage: 5
  disabledWorlds: []
  nearChunkSearch: 5
  maxScanRange: 20

  name: 'SMOKE_LARGE'
  durationSeconds: 5
  spawnsPerSecond: 2
  particlesPerSpawn: 2
  heightRadius: 3

  allowClaimsInRegionsByDefault: true
  allowClaimingInNonGuardedWorlds: true
  allowAdminOverride: true

  useEconomy: true
  claimPrice: 100.0
  unclaimReward: 10.0
  firstFreeChunks: 0

  saveDataIntervalInMinutes: 10
  keepJsonBackups: true
  minBackupIntervalInMinutes: 120
  deleteOldBackupsAfterMinutes: 10080

  useDatabase: false
  groupRequests: true
  convertOldData: true
  hostname: ''
  port: 3306
  database: 'MyServer'
  username: 'root'
  password: 'root'
  printDebug: false
  useSsl: false
  allowPublicKeyRetrieval: false

  enabled: true
  maximumIterations: 6
  maximumArea: 41

Max Claim Amounts

Per-World Config